Japan Infos Cxapital: Tokyo Regional: Japanese Demonyn:
Japanese Population: 127.360.000 Nation currency :
Yen Japan is island nation in East Asia.
Japan is an archpeayo of 6.852 island.
Pronounced contrasts between age-old traditions
and modern lifestyle Japan hardly another country appears
so strange and nevertheless as familiarly and delightfully as Japan:
Pronounced contrasts between age-old traditions
and modern lifestyle form a singular culture
and represent fascinating contrasts.
Dynamic, ultramodern large cities such as Tokyo ,
Osaka and Fukuoka impress the visitor
just like variety at temples and shrines generally speaking country.
So modern the everyday culture in Nippon presented,
humans are also in the centuries-old traditions,
coined/shaped from the Shintoismus and Buddhismus,
firmly rooted.
This becomes particularly clear
in over 1200 yearsthe old cities Kyoto and Nara.
also nature lovers come into Japan at their expense Japan
does not however only have the visitor quirlige metropolises
with high population density and an alive culture to offer
- also nature lovers come into Japan at their expense!
Old one, an ideal picture according to nature arranged gardens,
like that of the Zen temple Ryoanji, spectacular
landscapes like the Japanese alps,
singular volcanos as Fuji san and beautiful of national park
offer large variety and incomparable impressions.
You last do not become naturally also
the unique hospitality of humans,
the complex infrastructure, which service
and security in Japan inspire
and make your journey an unforgettable experience.
most popular travel times Whether as round trip
in the group or exclusively cut to your desires
- we arrange you your individual Japan
journey for each season optimally!
The most popular travel times are the months March/April
during the Kirschblüte with their bewitching splendour
as well as the months Septembers until November with
the overwhelming leaves discoloration in the herbstlichen forests.
Due to the large north south expansion of the country,
which extends over 22 degrees of latitude,
Japan exhibits strongly different climatic conditions.
The seasons are very clearly coined/shaped
with a hot-damp climate in the summer
and Siberian-cold air flows in the winter.
Spring and autumn against it promise a very pleasant
and mild climate. Hauptinsel Okinawa Bathe in Japan:
The Ryukyu islands with the Hauptinsel Okinawa
form the southwest border of Japan. ,
Here in the middle in the Pacific, a pleasant,
quasi subtropical climate prevails.
It waits an intact and untouched nature
with picture book beaches likewise
for your discovery as the unique Okinawa culture,
which proves that Taiwan
and China are not only geographically close.
Objects of interest Peace monument
in Hiroshima Castle Himeji jo Buddhisti Heilgtümer
of Horyu ji Wood(zedern) of Yakushima Ski ton shrine
of Itsukushima Museum for modern trend art
in Tokyo Journey Airplan ( lowest-priced method)
Ship Entries and departure departures
for citizen of the European Union:
no entry visa necessarily forbidden
are Weapons,ammunition or explosive Journeys
with domestic animals All domestic animals
must be inoculated against Dogs
in addition against Leptospirose marked
by an electronic chip its Meal
and drinking Meal Sushi Sashimi Ramen
Tempura Gyoza Tofu Drink Sake Shochu